When I woke up that next day I had a debate with myself about how crazy I was going.  I wanted more than anything to believe what I had seen, but if I believed that then I had to believe what he said.  But who would kill a child?  Jasper had never done anyone harm.  Was it just some crazy slaying? Or was it deliberate?  
My head pounded with questions and pain.  As I collected myself and dressed I realized that I left my phone at the bar.  I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 5 at night, at least the bar would be open.  I headed back to the Sport’s Zone Pub.  
When I arrived the bar tender smiled and waved my phone at me.  I thanked her and took my phone.  While I scanned for messages that no one would send the bar tender asked me how I felt.  I don’t know if it was something about her or that I just needed to say it out loud, but that simple question launched me into telling her everything that I saw.  When I was done she pointed to a guy across the bar.  
“See him?” She whispered leaning over the bar.  I nodded after a quick glance.
 “He knows things, he can help you.” And then she turned and started washing a glass. 
I didn’t see the harm in finding out what she meant by that so I  headed over to him.  When I walked up and introduced myself he shook his head.
“No names please.” He said in a low tone.
 “Ummm okay.” I looked back at the bar for help but the bar
tender just shrugged.  
“I overheard your story to our friend over there,” he
tilted his head slightly towards the bar, “you’re not crazy.  Ghosts, their as real as you and me.  There are other things too.  The supernatural is not something made up by crazy imaginations, its real.”
 I raised my eyebrow.  He had to be messing with me, ghosts were one thing but what was this mumbling about other supernatural.
“Welcome to Bridgeport babe.” He winked and shook my hand.  When he let go there was a card in its place.  When I looked up he was gone. I looked down at the card again.  It was simple in font, just black type on white cardstock. 
It read: Questions?  Call 845-555-5685.  I shook my head and laughed, like I was going to call some random number.  But as I went to toss the card I paused.  Why get off this crazy train now?  I quickly walked out of the pub and dialed the number.  A gruff voiced man picked up and gave me instructions before I could say hello.
 “Meet me at Waylon’s Haunt in an hour.” Then there was a click.  After that I had a quick argument with myself.  Was I really this crazy to meet a random man I didn’t know somewhere I had never been?  If it meant possible answers about my son the answer was simple, yes.  I hailed a taxi and headed over to Waylon’s Haunt.  It was across the city and with the bad traffic
it took nearly an hour to get there.  I decided in the future to use the subway system.

I was only standing in the bar for a moment when a man
walked up to me.  He had the most beautiful eyes, they practically glowed.   
He put out his hand. “Hello, I am Wogan.  You must be Lux.”
In shock I took his hand and nodded.  
“Jasper is real but here is not the place.  I just needed
to meet you in public first.” He said so quickly I almost missed it.   I had not let go of his hand and just continued to nod.  
“I know this is a lot,” he smiled patting my hand, getting
me to release him, “but it will all make sense.  Follow me in 5 minutes.”  And with that he walked out of the bar.  
I finally looked around and noticed how crowded the bar was.  I noticed a few people with eyes like his, but not many.   Those with  glowing eyes were all looking at me, but no one else was.  I stood there as long as my nerves let me, then I followed him out the door.


I scanned the street and saw him a few blocks away, he
paused before turning down an alley.  I had to almost jog to keep him in my sights.

I caught up to him outside a rundown warehouse.  He was
leaning against a few boxes as I approached slowly.

He stood up and smiled.  “Hasn’t anyone told you yet?  It’s
not safe to follow a vampire to an abandoned warehouse.”
I looked him over, maybe he was crazy too.
“Vampire? Are you going to tell me they are real too?” I
asked with as much snark as I could muster, which was not
His smile grew, “Of course.”
A car drove by at that moment, its headlights flashing
across his face.  That’s when I saw his fangs.  He must have sensed my shock because as I doubted it in my head he laughed to himself.
“No way.” I finally mumbled out loud.
“Yes way.” He laughed, “and I know people who can help with your son.”  His tone became more business at the mention of my
“Okay.” Was all I said.  There was so much to process at once, it felt like all I knew what falling apart but in a way it was a relief.  
We talked for a little while longer about vampires and  ghosts.  He told me there was more out there but I stopped him, one thing at a time.  He promised to get me more information on helping my son  before introducing me to the people.  He knew I was not ready yet.  In the beginning our relationship was purely business, but because it was so personal to me it quickly became a friendship.  We discussed his wife and daughter.  He told me about other vampires in Bridgeport and his families long history.  I told him about my parents and Morty.  He offered to kill him for me, although it was a sweet offer part of me still loved Morty and did not want him dead.
Wogan and I started to become real friends. I was even invited over for dinner to his home a few times. Morrigan, Wogan’s wife, was actually a warm person once she opened up to you.  However, I was never really close to her until tragedy brought us together.


Wogan had invited me over for dinner and on my way in I bumped into Morrigan and their daughter.  Morrigan looked tired and explained that she had just spent her
evening chasing Belisama around the grocery store.  I offered to carry Belisama in so she could have a small break. 
After getting a hold on the cute little girl I walked into the lobby and Morrigan followed.  We were talking about the weather, when we both stopped short.

My breath caught in my throat.  I squeezed the child in
close to me.  I could not believe he was here again.  I could not believe he was real!  Then I noticed the red figure floating next to him.  I did not want to believe it, but Morrigan’s wail made it clear.  The red figure with a glowing heart was Wogan.  My dear friend and the love of her long life.  
I exhaled long and slow trying to get my control back.  I
could hear Morrigan’s snobs behind me as she fell to the floor.  In between bursts of tears she begged for Wogan’s life.  The hooded figure turned toward her for a moment before shaking his head.  Wogan reached out to his wife and child, but was gone before he came close.  The Grimm disappeared a moment later.
I spent the rest of the night at the Hemlock home taking care of Belisama while Morrigan grieved.  The next week I spent bouncing between my apartment and her condo.  Helping her with funeral plans and watching Belisama when needed.

It was not until after the funeral that Morrigan completely fell apart.  She stopped calling me and I later discovered she stopped going to work.  I decided to step in and see what I could do.  I got to her house and knocked on her door.  When she opened it she stepped out and said hello, she barely registered that I was there. I grabbed her shoulders and gave her a gentle squeeze.
“How are you?” I asked with caution.  After all, friend or  not she was still a vampire.  She looked up at me, her eyes threatened tears but I doubted she had any left in her.
“Lonely.” She whispered.  I pulled her in for a hug.  I knew exactly how she felt.  I opened her door and went inside, she stayed in the hall leaning against the wall.  I found her daughter playing on the kitchen floor and picked her up.  I carried her out to the hall.
“You have us.” I said handing Morrigan her daughter.

“We are here for you.” I said pointed between Belisama and myself.  A weak smile crept up on  Morrigan’s face.
“Thank you.” The smile faded as she led me into her home.  We spent the evening talking about immortality and her life with Wogan.  She told me about all the things she had seen and the different lives her an Wogan had shared.  It was not until Bridgeport that they decided to have a child, they didn’t even know if it was possible but some specialist at the science facility told them it was, and even boasted a potion that could make them mortal.  Morrigan and Wogan  had laughed at the idea before, but Morrigan had started to consider it since Wogan’s passing.  She wanted to raise her daughter, but how long did she want to go without him she didn’t know.
She left me for only a moment, to get a little brown book of numbers.  After a quick search through it is loaded a number into my phone.  
“That’s who you need to call about your son.” She said returning my phone to me.
“Maybe Wogan can come back too.” I suggested, but she shook her head.
“No.  We decided together that when the end comes we would leave it.  We have both lived long enough already.”  She sighed, almost like she looked forward to the rest one day.  I now understand what how she felt, but as
a young human it seemed crazy to give up life.
That’s when the idea popped in my head. 
“Will you make me like you?”  I asked.  Her head snapped up from her lap.
“What?” She was shocked at first but her face relaxed after  a moment.  I knew she could read my mind and could tell she watched the idea run through my mind.  From what I had learned Jasper would live for a long time if the science was right and I wanted to be there for him and keep up with him.  A  slight smile came across her face as she saw Jasper in my mind, alive and healthy.
“And I can always take that potion if I change my mind.”  I pointed out aloud.
 Morrigan looked down at her daughter on the floor and back up at me.
“Okay.” She sighed. “But let’s do it before I change my mind.”  She stood and walked to an open area between her dining room and livingroom.
“Really?” I stood quickly and followed.  I was shocked that she agreed.
“Yeah, at least now I will be able to move at a comfortable speed around you.  I always feel so slow.” She laughed making light of my being human.  I could not help but laugh a little too. 


This was really happening.  I had mentioned the idea to Wogan but never seriously.  But this time was different.  Morrigan knew I meant it and by having her as my maker that bonded us.  We would become family, and I knew she needed that.  We both did.
“Ready?” She bent over my arm, “On three.”

 “Okay,” I tensed. “One…..Two….Ahh!”

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