We all settled in to the house rather quickly.  Eve even returned to torturing my children with her fairy pranks.

It’s funny.

As long as they are out of my hair and alive I could care less

I however was playing with my new study.

Which book is it?

Like you don’t know.


Airheaded fairy.

That’s what allows us to fly!


Hello study!


After hours of research for my secret plan, I came across a recipe for a brain boost.

Didn’t work how you wanted.

No but it didn’t hurt.
I mixed the concoction together and read the instructions.


Step one: Drink


Step two: Sleep, and in doing so gain some skills.  I awoke much more aware of flavors and spices.  I didn’t ever really want to learn how to cook beyond the basics but it doesn’t hurt to woo the gents.

True.  Fastest way to their hearts are through their tummies.

I don’t really aim for their hearts.



The girls settled into their shared room nicely.  Sitting and studying like good girls should.


While Eve explored the maze to get to her fairy house.

I don’t know how you did it, but I can’t fly over those bushes!

That’s my favorite part, ha-ha.


I decided to sit for a soak in my new spa.  It seemed that I was having trouble conceiving Dwayne’s child and he was starting to pull away from our affair.  He thought his wife could smell me on him and that she was suspicious of the reddish brown strands of hair on his clothing.  Laying in the mud it hit me, I needed a makeover to keep this going and possibly an elixir to help me in the baby department.


After some hair dye and new clothing I decided to buckle down and study.


And a quick snack on the brain tree outside gave me an idea.  The kids birthdays were coming up, and Dwayne couldn’t say no to the kids, so we threw a party a little later that week.


First was Brooke.


She actually didn’t turn out that bad.

But that nose!

Well, I see the pretty eyes first.

You mean the trait she got from you?



Then it was Tennessee’s turn.



Well, she is a teen.



And finally, Mudd.

I can’t lie, he was a cute toddler.

Yes he was. But when we discovered he was human you could have thrown less of a fit. 

He was my second supernatural dad!  It wasn’t fair.  He would have been a cute little vampire.



“Would you like to stay for coffee?” I asked as I walked by Dwayne.
“I should go, but coffee does sound good.” He crumbled.
I put the coffee down and walked back over to him.


“You don’t like coffee.” I smiled stepping in closer.
“I never really liked blondes before either.” He smiled.
“There is an old saying about trying new things.” I wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Oh yeah? What is it?” His hands slid into place on my back.
“It can be fun.” I smirked before pulling him in for a kiss.

“Shall we continue this upstairs?” He asked suggestively as we broke apart.
“Sure, I will follow you up.” I smiled pulling out my newest elixir.
“What’s that?” He asked as I tipped back a procreation mix.
“Don’t worry about it.” I smiled feeling slightly more fertile.
We walked up stairs and had some fun.

And while you were doing that, Brooke declared she was moving out.

I know.  She knew she needed to so there was room.

There was plenty of room in the house.

Not for long.

After Tristan’s death, Loki went to work.  No not like got a job, she would never do that.  No she amped up the work on a project that even I didn’t know she had.  Loki was building a house.  Did Tristan know she had been contracting men to build a home bigger than his own?  I don’t know.

Oh stop it.  Yes he knew.

Did he know he wasn’t ever going to live in it?

I may have left my plan to feed him to one of my cowplants out of the discussion.  But only because he spooked easily.

Sure, that’s why you didn’t tell him your plans to murder him.

Yeah.  That and I wanted to be in his will. 

Well your dream came true.

In a big way.

A very big way.  Now let’s show them your “project.”

This is Loki’s home.

You lived there too.

True, thank you for that nice room you made me.

Your welcome.

On one side you will notice that Loki’s version of a garden is not what you might expect.  It is a maze.  Depending on the turns you get you can end up sitting at a nice bench, turned into a zombie, making a wish, attending a fairy house party, eating tasty fruit that will make you smart OR being attacked by bees. 

That’s always funny to watch.

To join me at a fairy house party you need to go in the gate, follow the outside path for two left turns, take the next left into the maze, right turn, the left and sharp left, sharp right, sharp left (avoid the bees), squeeze to the right and there you are. 

If you wish for a baby at my well and get one make sure you take it home with you!

Okay on to the house.  Here you can see we have labeled all the rooms for you on the 1st floor.  Me and the kids have our bedrooms on this floor.  Loki was kind enough to give me my own bathroom, not that it stopped her kids from using it. 

Lock your doors.

I shouldn’t have too.
There is a decked out kitchen and a formal dining room.  A living room with a full wall TV and a little nook by the stairs with work out gear.  Toward the back you can see the rec area with a pool table and dart board and behind that is the Library.  Off the library is the entrance to the backyard which is mostly eaten up by Loki’s Green house.

And hidden off the library is my study where I learned a lot of fun and useful tricks.

And only a select few children found it.


Up the stairs you will find a nice sitting area and the Nursery.  That is also where Loki’s bedroom and bathroom are and if you lucky she might even let you use the private spa that is only accessible via her bedroom.

Being a mom is stressful.  I need a place to relax.

Yea, we know.

It wasn’t really complete until we got those incents in china.  Remember that?

Yeah, that was a fun trip.  Did you know I almost didn’t come home with you?

Yeah, you tell me every time I bring up China.

Oh.  Well, that’s the Mantis Estate.

I like how that sounds.

Right?  It’s got a ring to it.

Yeah it does.  Mantis Estate.

The builders finished quickly and we all moved in.


Loki was so happy she even played with Mudd a bit.
“We built this place with your daddy’s money.” She cooed, “yes we did, yes we did.”


But she was quick to invite Dwayne over to check out her new place….


Wardrobe exploration anyone?


Interesting “exploring” outfit.


While she was doing that, I was testing all the toys to make sure they were safe.
“Hurry their after us! Run like the wind Spot!”


We all settled into bed rather early that night.  Moving is exhausting.


Even Mudd slept through the night in his chair.

It’s just as comfy as a crib.

Sure it is.

While I was sleeping,

You mean in a coma?

No, I was just sleeping.

You slept for both a human and a vampire…

I was tired! Anyway, while I slept Eve entertained the girls.


“Okay you smell Brooke!” She gasped as she flew into the air.
“Rude!” Brooke growled.
“Nothing a little fairy dust can’t fix.” Eve rubbed her hands together and thought about cleaning.


But instead of cleaning Brooke the fairy dust backfired and cleaned out her stomach.
“Gross, that smelled terrible!” Brooke whined.
“Now you know how you smell, go shower or something.” Eve said pinching her nose and walking away.


Angry with Eve, Brooke locked herself in her dungeon style bedroom and took a nap.

Instead of a shower….really!

Those were some nasty smelling sheets.

Glad we didn’t live there long enough to clean.

I know right?


Even than went off and played a game of tag with Tennessee fairy style.  Tennessee was having fun until she realized that she could never catch the little globe of light thus forever being “it.”

That is always fun.

For you maybe.


On a side note, I do miss the zombie protection of that house. 

Me too.  They never lasted very long there.


When Tristan woke up he made me breakfast and then sat and enjoyed some plasma juice.
“Hey love of my life.” He smiled when I entered the dining room.  I just rolled my eyes.
“I was thinking we could go for a romantic stroll or something today, I got some of that fancy sunscreen so we could spend more time together.”
“Nah, I got other plans.” I said brushing him off as I went to get my breakfast from the kitchen. 
“Oh, okay.” He murmured disappointed.

I wonder if he did it on purpose.

No, he had no clue what was going on.

I meant because you didn’t love him.



It’s not like I was lying to him.  I really did have plans.  I was meeting up with the leader of the Wolffs, Dwayne.
“You, what do you want?” Dwayne asked, already angry enough to show in wolf form.
“Just to talk.” I tried soothing him.
“You’re a Van Gould now, I have nothing to talk to you about.” He growled.

“I want to help you.” I smiled.
“Why would you help me?  The money is on your side, the people seem to be on your side, why betray that.” He leaned in confused.
“I married him with a plan.  A plan to over throw the Van Goulds.  Isn’t that what you want?” I asked leaning back slightly.
“Your just a house wife, you have no power.” He gruffed.
“You have no idea what I am capable of.” I smiled leaning closer.
“Why would you want to do this?  Why would you want to betray your husband, the father of your child?”

That’s when I leaned in and kissed him.  At first he went to pull away, but not fast enough and soon he was trapped.
“Oh…” was all he could mutter with a silly grin on his face.
“Let’s get a drink.” I smiled leading him into the tavern.
“Can you do that?” He asked, now worried about my condition.
“The doctor said one is okay.” I smirked walking into the bar.

Tristan was at home trying to bond with my youngest, Tennessee.
“So are you a werewolf?” He asked her from across the table.
“If I was would I be doing my homework?” She replied slightly cross he was interrupting her.
“I am not sure what the two have to do with each other.” Tristan was confused.
“I would have eaten it already, then I could say the dog did it. Hahaha.” Tennessee laughed at her own joke.
“Oh, ha. I get it, I think.”
“No you don’t.  Hey do you know anything about bubbles,  I have two more lines to do and I am running out of ideas.” 
“Well I know a little about bubbles…” And so on and so forth Tristan helped her with her homework.

See he wasn’t a bad guy.

Never said he was, I was just getting bored with that part of the story.  Now on to what Eve was doing.

Ugh, fine.

Eve found herself wondering about her future.  She was worried she would never find a love like the one she thought she had with Pip.  Where better to turn than the fortuneteller.
“How can I help you?” The old crone asked as Eve entered her cart.
“I want to know if I will ever have my happy ending.” Eve stated causally.
“Well my powers come with a price dearie.” She pushed the jar out towards Eve.  Eve put a fiver in it.
“I see you, but its foggy.”  She pushed the jar closer to Eve.  Eve put twenty more in.
“Yes…I see it now there is a man, and a cow plant.” She nudged the jar a bit more.  Now Eve was concerned and placed one hundred more in.
“It’s so clear now!  You will fall in love and battle a cow plant.” She smiled crookedly.
“Is that it? When will it happen?” He hooked begged for more information and even put more money in the crones jar.
“It will happen….in the future!” She said excited and then got up and walked into the back.
At first Eve stood and left rather excited that love would enter her life again, she just wished the fortuneteller was a bit more exact on the when.

She wasn’t wrong.

I could have told you that fortune for free.

I know.

Later that afternoon I dragged Eve to the Alchemy shop with me.
“What are we doing here Loki?” She asked when we arrived at the gate.
“We just talked about this.  Sometimes I forget how scatter brained you fairies are.”
“What…well yeah.” Eve went on to tell me all about the fortuneteller and her future while we walked around the shop.


“How can I help you?” The dark fairy asked when I walked up to the register empty handed.
“I need books, these books.” I handed him a list.  He looked up at me and back at the list.  When I didn’t flinch he proceed to the back of the store to get my books.
“Is that all?” He asked bagging them for me.
“For now.” I smiled sweetly,  “but one day I will be back for you.” And with a wink I dragged Eve out of the store.


When we got home Tristan was looking out the window with a look of concern and relief on his face.
“He worries.” Eve said smiling.
“Too much.” I rolled my eyes as we continued to walk up to the house.


“You have an interesting family.” Eve commented as we passed Tennessee playing with her doll by the trash can.
“That’s not from my side.” I snickered.  She was an interesting child.


She was also the reason the cow plants where never hungry.  She was always giving them candy.


A day or so later, just as I was getting up to tell Tristan to calm it with the guitar playing, a familiar pain ran through my stomach.
“Ooff!” I breathed, and when the pain finally settled, I yelled “Its time!” at the top of my lungs so all could hear me.
We decided to leave the girls at home but both Tristan and Eve came with me.


Meet Mudd, my first little boy.

He was so pale.

Well he was a Van Gould.


It was later that night that tragedy struck.

For who?

Me and the Cow plants.


Well, since Tristan was supposed to be plant food they are hungry….

Okay and you, you were going to off him anyway.

I know, but since he was not I did not get to milk them.  Thus making me continue to age in the wrong direction.

Oh…okay yeah I get it continue with your story.

Thank you.
So Tristan wasn’t even able to die the way I planned.  Instead he decided to starve himself and turn into ash in the middle of our library.

“NNOOOO!” I cried as Grimm came to reap his soul.  Leaving nothing in our home of him except his ashes and an urn.
“It’s okay.  It will be okay.” Eve rushed up and patted me on the shoulder.
“You don’t understand…” I pouted.
“I do, you cared about him.  Its normal to get feelings for some….” I cut her off.
“No, that’s not it!  I needed him to be eaten!  Now I have to lure another man to get my youth.  He messed up my entire plan.” I broke down into sobs again.  Eve unsure what to do just continued to comfort me.


It did not take me long to come up with a new plan, once I finished mourning my old one.  I fell asleep easily knowing that all was not lost.

Never is with you.



We were starting to think that Moonlight Falls was perfect.  Tons of guys and well, no zombies.  That is until one morning where I woke to see a fairy zombie munching on my apple tree in broad daylight!  I could only hope that Loki did not see it as she rode her bike off to meet up with Tristan.

Yes, I know a pregnant Loki on a bike is not the prettiest sight. 

I was getting fat!

You were pregnant.

I am always pregnant, I want to look good doing it.

Whatever, so Loki huffed and puffed her way to the diner for her date with Tristan while I dealt with her kids.

“Cake for breakfast!” I yelled through the house as I grabbed my shovel.
“Yay!” Tennessee ran in to grab a slice but Brooke was faster.
“Not so fast squirt.” She laughed as she grabbed the biggest slice and pushed Tennessee aside.
“Aunt Eve, the TV is so annoying!” Tennessee squealed as she waited for her cake.
“I will get to it after the zombie.” I sighed.
“Zombie?” Concern paused Brooke in her spot.
“Don’t worry, just eat.  The bus will be here soon.” And with that I walked outside.

Meanwhile at the diner…
“Hey baby, your glowing.  Is that a new top?” Tristan asked Loki trying to not point out her weight gain.
“Tristan I am pregnant with your child.” Loki stated flatly.
“Wait what?” Tristan asked a bit confused.
“Remember?  The girls birthday, we had fun? Well result.” Loki pointed to her stomach.
“Well that’s better than you getting fat.” Tristan joked, Loki just rolled her eyes.  “Are we sure it’s mine?” He asked a bit more seriously.
“Yep.” Loki smirked.
“I…I…got to go.  I will call you promise!” Then Tristan ran away faster than Loki could see.

That was annoying.



Loki then called me to tell me everything that had just happened, worried her plan was falling to crumbs.  As she hung up a zombie spawned right in front of her.
“Stupid zombie!” She yelled before kicking it in the gut and riding her bike home.

By the time she got home the girls had gone to school; I had scared the zombie away and decided to go for a jog.  Tristan was waiting for her on our porch with a pout on his face.  She reluctantly let him in, or so he thought.

Back on plan.

“Babe, my little blood worm, I am sorry.” Tristan grabbed her hands and held them.
“I want to keep our baby.” Loki pouted.
“I do too.  I want us to be a family.” Tristan pulled Loki in close and kissed her forehead.


“Really?” Loki asked looking up into his eyes.
“Really.  Will you marry me Loki Mantis?” Tristan finally asked.
“Of course.” Loki smiled and kissed him, “but we will need your big family house for our growing family…” Loki started, Tristan just nodded wanting only to make his baby momma happy.

Not wanting to wait Loki and Tristan married the next afternoon in the park.  I officiated.

It was a beautiful sham wedding.

It wasn’t a sham, I don’t do sham weddings.

You were in your jogging gear.

I had afternoon running plans.

You ran a lot back then.

It helped me get over Pip.


Anyway, after the ceremony when everything was official Loki explained a few things to Tristan.
“Tristan, Eve lives with me which means she will be living with us.  She is my fairy.” Loki used a tone that told Tristan not to question her.  I pretended not to be insulted by her acting like I was property.

It was easier to explain that way.

I know, but it still hurt.




I left the lovebirds to enjoy the park and went for a jog but their afternoon did not last long since the sun was still up.  Tristan almost died then and there in the park.  Loki could not help but giggle at his weakness and just yelled in his face until he woke up. 

I needed him to be eaten!  Not die from the sun.

What a wonderful wife you make.

When I arrived at the VanGould house Loki and her girls were already moved in.   
“So did everything go smoothly?” I asked catching her on the way in from talking to her cowplants.
“Yep everyone is settled in nicely.” Loki smiled.
“What about the rest of Tristan’s family?” I asked growing concerned as Loki’s smiled morphed into an evil smirk.
“You didn’t?” I stammered stepping to go to the cow plants to test their hunger level.
“No, no.” Loki laughed, “I told them we were trading homes.  The Wolff boy understood.”
“You and those Wolffs.” I laughed relaxing a little.
“It’s not a bad gene pool.” Loki laughed with me. 

Oh, what the future holds.



I gave myself a tour of our new home.  It was a little dark for my taste but I knew I would not be living there long, it was not of Loki’s taste either.  She was more cottage/castle than gothic mansion.
To say the first night in the house was uneventful would be a lie.  If this was going to be a long term thing I might have been worried.


Brooke quickly realized the best place to hide from her sister and new dad was in the bathtub.  A luxury she had never had before.  However, she had to come out for food sometime and she was dreading it.

Tennessee was also hungry and decided to use it to test Tristan.
“I want ice cream for dinner!” She yelled stomping her foot.
“I don’t think your mom would be happy about that.” Tristan said calmly walking into the kitchen.
“My real daddy is a werewolf!  I will call him and he will attack you vampire! Unless you give me ice cream!” She continued to scream.
“I don’t remember signing up for this.” Tristan grumbled under his breath as he walked away.


Loki, the stellar mother she is, made a bee line to her bedroom suite upon hearing all the yelling.

Pregnancies make me tired, what can I say?


Within moments she was sound asleep, leaving a vampire to deal with her kids.

You could of helped.
