After Tristan’s death, Loki went to work.  No not like got a job, she would never do that.  No she amped up the work on a project that even I didn’t know she had.  Loki was building a house.  Did Tristan know she had been contracting men to build a home bigger than his own?  I don’t know.

Oh stop it.  Yes he knew.

Did he know he wasn’t ever going to live in it?

I may have left my plan to feed him to one of my cowplants out of the discussion.  But only because he spooked easily.

Sure, that’s why you didn’t tell him your plans to murder him.

Yeah.  That and I wanted to be in his will. 

Well your dream came true.

In a big way.

A very big way.  Now let’s show them your “project.”

This is Loki’s home.

You lived there too.

True, thank you for that nice room you made me.

Your welcome.

On one side you will notice that Loki’s version of a garden is not what you might expect.  It is a maze.  Depending on the turns you get you can end up sitting at a nice bench, turned into a zombie, making a wish, attending a fairy house party, eating tasty fruit that will make you smart OR being attacked by bees. 

That’s always funny to watch.

To join me at a fairy house party you need to go in the gate, follow the outside path for two left turns, take the next left into the maze, right turn, the left and sharp left, sharp right, sharp left (avoid the bees), squeeze to the right and there you are. 

If you wish for a baby at my well and get one make sure you take it home with you!

Okay on to the house.  Here you can see we have labeled all the rooms for you on the 1st floor.  Me and the kids have our bedrooms on this floor.  Loki was kind enough to give me my own bathroom, not that it stopped her kids from using it. 

Lock your doors.

I shouldn’t have too.
There is a decked out kitchen and a formal dining room.  A living room with a full wall TV and a little nook by the stairs with work out gear.  Toward the back you can see the rec area with a pool table and dart board and behind that is the Library.  Off the library is the entrance to the backyard which is mostly eaten up by Loki’s Green house.

And hidden off the library is my study where I learned a lot of fun and useful tricks.

And only a select few children found it.


Up the stairs you will find a nice sitting area and the Nursery.  That is also where Loki’s bedroom and bathroom are and if you lucky she might even let you use the private spa that is only accessible via her bedroom.

Being a mom is stressful.  I need a place to relax.

Yea, we know.

It wasn’t really complete until we got those incents in china.  Remember that?

Yeah, that was a fun trip.  Did you know I almost didn’t come home with you?

Yeah, you tell me every time I bring up China.

Oh.  Well, that’s the Mantis Estate.

I like how that sounds.

Right?  It’s got a ring to it.

Yeah it does.  Mantis Estate.

The builders finished quickly and we all moved in.


Loki was so happy she even played with Mudd a bit.
“We built this place with your daddy’s money.” She cooed, “yes we did, yes we did.”


But she was quick to invite Dwayne over to check out her new place….


Wardrobe exploration anyone?


Interesting “exploring” outfit.


While she was doing that, I was testing all the toys to make sure they were safe.
“Hurry their after us! Run like the wind Spot!”


We all settled into bed rather early that night.  Moving is exhausting.


Even Mudd slept through the night in his chair.

It’s just as comfy as a crib.

Sure it is.

11/24/2012 01:29:28 am

Lol! I love the two narrators and how they contradict each other all the time. It's really funny!! :)

7/28/2013 02:01:40 pm

Woo! Beautiful house! Very Loki and Eve (;


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