We all settled in to the house rather quickly.  Eve even returned to torturing my children with her fairy pranks.

It’s funny.

As long as they are out of my hair and alive I could care less

I however was playing with my new study.

Which book is it?

Like you don’t know.


Airheaded fairy.

That’s what allows us to fly!


Hello study!


After hours of research for my secret plan, I came across a recipe for a brain boost.

Didn’t work how you wanted.

No but it didn’t hurt.
I mixed the concoction together and read the instructions.


Step one: Drink


Step two: Sleep, and in doing so gain some skills.  I awoke much more aware of flavors and spices.  I didn’t ever really want to learn how to cook beyond the basics but it doesn’t hurt to woo the gents.

True.  Fastest way to their hearts are through their tummies.

I don’t really aim for their hearts.



The girls settled into their shared room nicely.  Sitting and studying like good girls should.


While Eve explored the maze to get to her fairy house.

I don’t know how you did it, but I can’t fly over those bushes!

That’s my favorite part, ha-ha.


I decided to sit for a soak in my new spa.  It seemed that I was having trouble conceiving Dwayne’s child and he was starting to pull away from our affair.  He thought his wife could smell me on him and that she was suspicious of the reddish brown strands of hair on his clothing.  Laying in the mud it hit me, I needed a makeover to keep this going and possibly an elixir to help me in the baby department.


After some hair dye and new clothing I decided to buckle down and study.


And a quick snack on the brain tree outside gave me an idea.  The kids birthdays were coming up, and Dwayne couldn’t say no to the kids, so we threw a party a little later that week.


First was Brooke.


She actually didn’t turn out that bad.

But that nose!

Well, I see the pretty eyes first.

You mean the trait she got from you?



Then it was Tennessee’s turn.



Well, she is a teen.



And finally, Mudd.

I can’t lie, he was a cute toddler.

Yes he was. But when we discovered he was human you could have thrown less of a fit. 

He was my second supernatural dad!  It wasn’t fair.  He would have been a cute little vampire.



“Would you like to stay for coffee?” I asked as I walked by Dwayne.
“I should go, but coffee does sound good.” He crumbled.
I put the coffee down and walked back over to him.


“You don’t like coffee.” I smiled stepping in closer.
“I never really liked blondes before either.” He smiled.
“There is an old saying about trying new things.” I wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Oh yeah? What is it?” His hands slid into place on my back.
“It can be fun.” I smirked before pulling him in for a kiss.

“Shall we continue this upstairs?” He asked suggestively as we broke apart.
“Sure, I will follow you up.” I smiled pulling out my newest elixir.
“What’s that?” He asked as I tipped back a procreation mix.
“Don’t worry about it.” I smiled feeling slightly more fertile.
We walked up stairs and had some fun.

And while you were doing that, Brooke declared she was moving out.

I know.  She knew she needed to so there was room.

There was plenty of room in the house.

Not for long.

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