Remember that dog man?


Yeah, him.

Of course I do, I just told them about him.

Well I am going to start with him, your big mistake.

He was not a mistake, I am still confused as to how that all happened.

Well, maybe they will figure it out for you.
While Loki’s man eating plants are dangerous to boot, werewolves can be rather resourceful.
Param assuming something was wrong with his beloved Loki did not blame her for locking him in with the huge hungry plants.  Instead he played with them until they were happy.  Then he survived by eating Jellybeans.  Somehow, unlike Juan, nothing bad happen to him.  He did get some minty dog breath though.
Loki gave in and let the smelly dog back into the house in hopes that he would get eaten by a zombie on the way in.  Instead after a quick shower he pulled her lovingly into his arms and thanked her for freeing him.

Dumb dog.

Loving, caring and trusting man-dog.


Loki allowed him to hang around till his baby was born. 

You never know, it was my first baby from a were.  It might have been a puppy.

In the meantime, Brooke aged up to a child.

She was, however, too young still to understand what it meant when mom started to “leak.”
“Mom! Your peeing on the floor.  Stop it!” Brooke screamed, “You will get it on the couch and then it will mold and then…”

We get it she is a little worrier.

“Stop it Brooke.” Loki panted between contractions, “my water broke, the baby is coming.”
Everyone, including the wonderful Aunty Fairy Godmother, raced off to the hospital to see the birth of baby Tennessee.
A day or so after Param’s little baby girl was brought into the world, his baby momma was sick of him.

“Why couldn’t you just get eaten!” Loki yelled crumpling up a newspaper in her hand.
“I…I don’t understand.” Param stumbled.  Which was strange considering with the rest of the world he was a tough man, ready to take on anyone.  With Loki though he crumbled.

He was weak.

Or your just one really scary momma!

That too.


Angered even more by his whining Loki snapped him over the nose with the newspaper.

Act like a dog, treated like a dog.

Param turned defeated but that wasn’t Loki’s final blow.
“I want a divorce.  It’s for the best.” She sighed.
“Okay.” Was all Param muttered as he went in the bedroom and packed. 

He was falling for me.

Or were you falling for him?


He outsmarted your man eating plant.


You liked him.

Shut it!

Someone’s snappy.  Either way you let him live, that proves something.

That I am not heartless?


Then what?

That the beast can be soothed.


Shortly after the divorce Loki realized something while paying bills.


She needed money, and a new baby daddy.

That’s the truth!

This was the night I made the mistake of inviting Pip over.
Loki was on the hunt for a man and I walked one right into her den. 

Not a bad looking fairy, I will give him that.  But I’ve seen better.

After a quick introduction I saw the look in Loki’s eyes.  So I pulled her aside and used my veto. 

Your one and only.

Yes my one save the man card, I used it early I am aware and in retrospect should of let you have him.  However, I did it and that’s that.

Darn straight.


Later that night I flew Pip home.  He asked me what I had talked to Loki about and I told him about how I was protecting him from her.
He said he was leaving his wife.  I was the fairy for him.  We spent the night in one of the fairy houses in his families backyard.

9/12/2012 07:49:01 am

So your telling me that cowplants don't eat werewolves? good to know...

9/13/2012 06:44:17 am

Ducky- Well...see....they will eat anyone...if the person isnt smart enough to feed them first :-( I was trying not to control anyone at all (but Loki and Eve) and instead of eatting the cake he played iwth and fed the big dumb plants and I couldnt take it out of his que. Then he went and had some Jelly beans and when that didnt kill him I gave it might be possible but Param out smarted me. *shakes fist* I amended my rules to allow me to choose there last action...I realized thats the only way to move the kids out too lol

11/24/2012 12:02:27 am

Lol! Param is a smartie!! :) I hope Pip has her own happily ever after!


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